
God’s Call Precedes His Judgment

Passage: Genesis 6:8, Gen 6:13-17, Matthew 24:37-39
Service Type:

The mercy of God balances His justice. He sends a messenger of warning before sending His judgment. About 2000 year BC, Noah was that messenger. Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Not because he merited God's grace or mercy above others. But rather because he discovered his own need for mercy. Noah appropriated God's grace and mercy by obeying God's plan to save the world that then was. In contrast with those of the wicked world who failed to heed the warnings given by God, Noah found God's grace. He believed God's warning, moved with fear by building an ark according to God's plan and escaped the judgment of God. We are reminded that we too must face God's judgment. We too must find grace and mercy by appropriating God's plan of salvation made possible by Christ's death on the cross.

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