Rise Up My Love and Come Away
Bishop Tom Stinnett Jr. was born in Knoxville, Tennessee on April 20, 1953. He founded the Church of Jesus Christ in Maryville, Tennessee on September 8, 1994. He has an AA Degree in Business Administration from Northwest Florida College. He is a retired Master Sergeant and Master Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician of the United States Air Force. He has served in positions of: Youth Leader, Assistant Pastor and Pastor of churches in Niceville, Crestview and Valparaiso, Florida as well as Florala, Alabama. He is a member of the Executive Bishops Council and Editor of the True Light Messenger of the Churches of Jesus Christ International. He and his First Lady, Deborah Stinnett were married on October 9, 1971 and have three children, three grandchildren and six great grandchildren.